BRTC Pocahontas Hosts Blood Drive

American Red Cross Leader of Collections Staff Jessica Cook collects a donation at a Blood drive held at the BRTC Pocahontas location

On March 15, 2023 BRTC Pocahontas hosted an American Red Cross blood drive. At the blood drive, 17 pints of blood were collected from 19 donors, three of which were first time donors. The total of number of pints collected was only three less than the 20 pints goal the American Red Cross had set. This allows the Red Cross to potentially save more than 17 lives. BRTC has hosted two blood drives this academic year.

BRTC Pocahontas will host another blood drive during the Fall 2023 semester. For more information, contact Jamie Hunter, Red Cross donor account manager at (479)957-8109 or