BRTC Preparations for Coronavirus and Other Illnesses

POCAHONTAS  Mar. 11, 2020 — As the coronavirus virus outbreak evolves in the U.S., BRTC will continue to monitor the health condition in the communities surrounding BRTC.
Updates and resources are available on BRTC’s Campus Health webpage at  You may also access it from the homepage, located in the yellow bar under the pictures.

Current BRTC Actions
BRTC administration is closely monitoring the status of the coronavirus, COVID-19, and other communicable illnesses as well as communicating frequently with local and regional health officials.  BRTC has created an Emergency Management Task Force to address and develop contingency plans to limit the impact to BRTC operations in the case of a local outbreak.

Hopefully, we will not need to implement any procedures, but activities are being organized to assist in minimizing the impact to student learning, to ensure students and employees who may become ill are properly supported as they recover, and to limit the spread of the virus on campus in the case of an outbreak.

How to Protect Yourself
In the meantime, please keep the following best practices in mind to reduce your exposure to the coronavirus and other illnesses.

  • Avoid shaking hands.  Use a fist bump, wave, or other greeting.
  • Use knuckles to touch light switches, push buttons, etc.  If you must open a door with a knob, use your elbow or a tissue.
  • Use disinfectant wipes and spray.  Keep hand sanitizer within reach.
  • FREQUENTLY wash your hands with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a hand sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol.
  • Cough and sneeze in a tissue or use your elbow.

BRTC will continue to keep you informed of any changes that occur in the situation with COVID-19 through email and the Campus Health page.  If immediate information needs to be disseminated, the BRTC social medial accounts will also be implemented.

Please know your safety is our priority.  We are working hard to make sure you and your family are safe at BRTC!