Dr. Brad Baine Named BRTC Vice President for Academic Affairs


POCAHONTAS, AR  Oct. 16, 2019  – On Wednesday, October 16, Black River Technical College president Dr. Martin Eggensperger announced the selection of Dr. Brad Baine as BRTC’s next Vice President for Academic Affairs and chief academic officer.

The announcement follows a 6-week vice presidential search led by Dr. Eggensperger.  An 11-member interview committee composed of BRTC vice presidents, deans, directors, and the Faculty Forum chair considered applications.  On Friday, October 11, the interview committee and a second committee, composed of staff who will report directly to the new vice president, individually interviewed finalists.  Faculty, staff, students, and the community were invited to attend an open forum in which each finalist individually made a short presentation and answered questions.

Faculty and staff had the opportunity to provide comments, suggestions, concerns, and identify their selection of the finalists after the open forums.  The comment period ended Monday, October 14.  The interview committee considered the comments, rankings, strengths and challenges facing each finalist then submitted its recommendation to Dr. Eggensperger on October 16.

Dr. Baine comes to BRTC from Williams Baptist University in Walnut Ridge where he currently serves as vice president of academic affairs and campus life.  Baine earned his bachelor’s degree in physical education from Williams Baptist University, master’s degree in physical education from Arkansas State University, and Ph.D. in kinesiology/pedagogy from the University of Arkansas.  Dr. Baine and his family reside in Paragould.

Dr. Baine will follow interim vice president of academic affairs Sissy Gray, who will return to her previous role as dean of assessment and accreditation, and begin his duties at a date to be determined.